Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!


I recently received this from a caring Subscriber. With that in mind I’d like to take a moment and pass on a big thanks to all those who take their personal time forwarding me interesting tidbits. Now that the chessboard’s shifted and as promised I’ve returned composing blogposts’ and videos.   Anyone interested in forwarding [...]

  Anyone whose studied history to any degree will have no trouble agreeing with the following. It always ends in war. As far back as the Sumerian culture and that’s some 6000 years prior, we as a species have consistently been led into wars by means of false pretenses. Our elected mislead the populous with [...]

The Facts are in and they speak for themselves. August 27, 2020 A big high five goes out to all the folks over at Blaze TV. As an active member of the mentors research group I can say from hands on experience, from wisdom how much time and effort goes into finding this kind of [...]

April 18, 2020 Fractional Reserve Banking Have the bank runs already begun. Most long time subscribers can relate to the fact I’m forever stressing the importance of asking the right question or questions. Another thing I thankfully accept complete responsibility for is this. I continually stress the point of how important it is for you [...]

April 16 2020 Here’s what Chief Economist of the World Bank LAC had to say. Here’s what chief economist of the World Bank (LAC) Martín Rama recently had to say during an interview found on Dominican today. Rama expects Latin America and the Caribbean region will fall 4.6%. Quoting Martín Rama: “In a pessimistic forecast, [...]

April 13 2020 Time to Unveil Who J.H. Actually Is A short while ago I mentioned that sooner or later you’d be hearing the initials J.H? While the enlightened few focus on what’s unfolding as an unprecedented power grab, a coup being delivered in the form of an unnecessary lockdown, the greater majority still remain [...]

April 8 2020 Revising the subject of debt. As mentioned in the video since the lockdown I’ve been receiving a fair amount of emails. One of the more common statements found among them was describing this new found understanding of how the name Something Feels Wrong came to fruition. Several variations of “I now have [...]

April 1, 2020 Coronavirus and people thought 9/11 was a tragedy. Most thought the twin towers 9/11 incident was a tragedy. It was but like the song says you ain’t seen nothing yet. Little doubt 9/11 was history in the making. As it is always the case, post any major occurrence the freedoms of the [...]

March 26 2020 Wow it’s been so long since I’ve authored a blog. As I sit back and visualize all the damage that’s been caused not only because of the Coronavirus issues, but several key issues spanning over several decades to put it mildly saddens me. None of this ever had to happen and I’m [...]

Sept 16 2018 Middle Class America I keep hearing how things are getting better for middle class America. Why am I not seeing the parallel view? Perhaps it’s because of how highly subjective the topic actually is. I mean if you’re fine then your world is fine. Notice I didn’t say The World is fine; [...]

In part two of what should be a moving interview I ask some tough questions pertaining to the before and after. I ask what changes occurred particularly within the police. Quoting Rafiel’s informative comments “They became wolves against sheep” “before the collapse they were just cops.” “I was kidnapped!”  I shifted the topic and began [...]

I want to take a moment to sincerely thank Rafiel for being so courageous in sharing his personal encounters. It’s not often someone has the strength to abandon their ego and share their personal struggles. I hope someone watching this identifies with the sincerity and is able to offer an opportunity to a deserving individual. [...]

September 8 2018 Sanctions in a modern world I don’t know maybe it’s just me but lately it seems like the West wants to sanction the planet. Venezuela and Argentina are just two of many examples that flash to mind. While sanctions on smaller countries may still prove to be effective its effects on superpower [...]

September 6, 2018 One Of My Most Memorable Interviews Over the years I’ve had the privilege of interviewing some prominent thinkers considered by many to be experts in their field. It should come as no surprise that these people have large followings they retain huge numbers of subscribers. While each of these encounters proved memorable [...]

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