Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!


Welcome back. It’s time to get on the road again and part with the mundane and the negative propaganda. Hop in and take a ride as I go about what for me is a normal day out in the country. It’s time for people to realize and except the fact that those who choose not [...]

May 2, 2020 I’m Glad I’m Not Young In Today’s World Most long time subscribers can relate to the fact I’m forever stressing the importance of asking the right question or questions. Another thing I accept complete responsibility for is I continually stress the point of how important it is for you to first unlearn [...]

March 26 2020 Wow it’s been so long since I’ve authored a blog. As I sit back and visualize all the damage that’s been caused not only because of the Coronavirus issues, but several key issues spanning over several decades to put it mildly saddens me. None of this ever had to happen and I’m [...]

September 14 2018 Lessons we learn too late At one time or another we’ve all looked back at our lives and asked the all mighty question I wonder what would have been. During the course of our lives we keep deliberating I wonder what would have been, I wonder what would have been. You can [...]

Anyone who’s ever wrestled with major change knows it can be a tough encounter. At least it has been for me. I was raised in a family environment where strict rules applied specifically in the areas of what you’re taught to believe and not believe. I understand the challenges involved when bucking the traditional. I’ve [...]

It’s late August 2017. I’m composing this post while the thermometer is reaching the mid 90’s.  Yes it’s hot and the air is thick. At times you’d swear you could cut it with a knife. For all who dislike humidity August and September are the two most uncomfortable months in Cabrera. This especially holds true [...]

While recently reading a blog from Martin Armstrong the subject of consciousness dominated most of its contents. Those who’ve known me for any length of time, know I have a passion for studying history, the quantum sciences and perhaps most of all consciousness. I’ve long had the passion of researching consciousness. Where does it come [...]