Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

Live overseas

In this episode of ask me anything, I attempt to expand the viewers accepted wisdom toward a popular question. Judging by its popularity, it’s a question I should have fielded long ago, but hey time waits for no one, right? For some already feeling the effects of “how can I leave them” this video may [...]

September 14 2018 Lessons we learn too late At one time or another we’ve all looked back at our lives and asked the all mighty question I wonder what would have been. During the course of our lives we keep deliberating I wonder what would have been, I wonder what would have been. You can [...]

September 12, 2018 Balance Effects Everything I recently enjoyed a stimulating conversation with one of my mentors who lives overseas. It’s now exceeding a decade and a half since first closing the TV and flexing the mind. Slightly over fifteen years spent researching for the sole purpose of seeking truth. Truth, objective truth, wherever the information [...]