Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

History’s Greatest Hoax

My sincerest admiration goes out to all of you who’ve stood up to the relentless ridicule that prevailed over the past two and a half years. You’ve done your research and stuck to what was revealed. As hard as the last two and a half years have been, it’s by not giving into the propaganda [...]

Once again I’ll request your attention be aimed at Dr. Vernon Coleman. His recently released video is perhaps one of his most important. Even though the information contained is crucial to understand I do not feel it will make much of a difference. The ones behind the masks are all but lost. Over time their [...]

I’m confident that a fair percentage of my readers are already familiar with the name Mark Sexton. Sexton was recently reintroduced in a video sent to me from one of the Bitchute Channels I’m subscribed to. I received from the Crowhouse which is a Bitchute channel hosted by Max Igan. I would strongly recommend it [...]

As more and more information begins to trickle down even to mainstream sources it’s becoming so obvious the entire virus was a scam from the start. We recently released a video proving it true unless anyone reading this can tell me how you formulate bill H.R. 748 into congress 15 months prior to the virus [...]

I was recently sent another Bitchute video from Max Igan.  All four of us mentors have been long time subscribers to Igan’s Bitchute channel TheCrowhouse. A big salute goes out to the true warriors who spend countless hours revealing what’s been occulted from the masses. Not all that long ago we used to follow Igan [...]

As time marches on more and more of what was once regarded as conspiracy theories begin to reveal. The Fauci emails exposed something far more sinister than corruption; it exposed how little value these people place on human life. It’s kind of ironic that it’s the same people who have also convinced a sizable percentage [...]

I want to travel back in time and begin this post on December 15, 2019. That’s the day the virus was first announced from Wuhan. The WHO declared the outbreak a “public health concern” on January 30th and from there a pandemic on March 11 2020. That’s pretty quick for any kind of disease to [...]

I’m done it’s time to move on. This will be my last post pertaining to whether one should or should not wear a mask. It’s no longer even questionable for the rational minded person and that’s any person who’s willing to invest their time skimming the alternative news, podcasts and blogs. Once done it won’t [...]

Einstein once said “Genius has its limitations but ignorance is limitless.” and each day forward it’s become more apparent he was correct. Just look at what we’ve become and NO not just since the lockdown either. This reduction of humanities’ frequencies has been an ongoing organized plan for many ages. The reason for the recent [...]

Over the years when it comes to favored economists one of the most popular has got to be Jim Rogers. While I’m confident this next acknowledgement will come as a surprise to many who are reading this post, we mentors have been aware of it for decades.  Truth be told Jim Rogers and George Soros [...]

In today’s world what should be front page headlines, rarely if ever gets to see ink on paper. The same can be said for TV and online broadcasting, only switch the word print with view and you’ve pretty much got it. We’re not being told the truth. Instead of being informed individuals, we’re being influenced [...]

I was recently forwarded a video that had a great deal of what has somehow become a rarity over the last while. It contained a healthy dose of common sense. The Mentors have been studying history for quite some time now, and so the following has been well understood for decades.  From what we’ve been [...]

Anybody who’s been with us for any length of time has heard me use the term apophatic research. Whenever I make mention of our study group “the mentors” I often include the fact of us performing various forms of apophatic research. We peel the onion layer by layer. I suppose a fair example would be [...]

Greg Anderson’s First Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/B_0t-MLJlbA/ Gerg Anderson’s 2nd Video:  https://www.instagram.com/p/CADHRgkgbuc/ What was supposed to be airing this morning had to be yanked. That’s how fast the times are changing. What was originally supposed to be an inspiring video of a brave police officer named Greg Anderson voicing his frustration regarding many things. Amongst a sizable [...]

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