Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!


The following is another example of what one might call a keeper. I’d recommend this be added to the previous two or three videos I mentioned that should be placed on a flash drive for future viewing. It is my own thought that in the future perhaps ten or twenty years from now you’d be [...]

I want to travel back in time and begin this post on December 15, 2019. That’s the day the virus was first announced from Wuhan. The WHO declared the outbreak a “public health concern” on January 30th and from there a pandemic on March 11 2020. That’s pretty quick for any kind of disease to [...]

Over the past few days it seems the deadly Covid-19 virus has suddenly all but vanished. Seriously I ask you how is it possible for a subject that once headlined every major server and held that position for over two and a half months has all but faded away in under a week. Short answer [...]

As of late with all that’s going on around the world I mentioned that our little research group has been burning the midnight oil. Since the four of us live in different regions of the world, between the actual work load and adding in the time differences, lately our sleep pattern has been hellish.  Since [...]