Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

Klaus Schwab

Recently a video was sent my way by a subscriber. It’s a simple two-minute video that I wanted to share. It’s a two-minute video that says more in those two minutes than many speeches do that last for hours. Several readers have heard me mention on prior posts “the truth is simple” it’s the opposing [...]

Once again I’ll request your attention be aimed at Dr. Vernon Coleman. His recently released video is perhaps one of his most important. Even though the information contained is crucial to understand I do not feel it will make much of a difference. The ones behind the masks are all but lost. Over time their [...]

I couldn’t think of a more appropriate name for this latest release. It’s with that in mind that I express the importance of moving forward. Regardless of our personal views, what’s done is done. As a collective we all travel in only one direction and that’s forward! I suggest you consider the above as a [...]