Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!


Once again I’ll request your attention be aimed at Dr. Vernon Coleman. His recently released video is perhaps one of his most important. Even though the information contained is crucial to understand I do not feel it will make much of a difference. The ones behind the masks are all but lost. Over time their [...]

Glad to see the number of subscribers growing on our Bitchute channel. However the root cause of initiating this channel as well as our new Rumble channel maintaining the same name of Something Feels Wrong is the insatiable right of freedom to be able to express period. The inheritance to express our views and the [...]

I’d like to share some of the latest developments over the past week. There’s no doubt things are changing at an alarming rate and the mentors research dictates it’s only going to accelerate over the next while. It’s just a suggestion when I say anyone planning to vote with their feet whether foreign or domestic [...]