Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!


At some point you have to begin wondering if humanity is just on some programmed downward spiral. Is there any way of justifying a 500% increase in the number of soccer players, along with other professional athletes who’ve dropped down from heart attacks and strokes over the last two years! From March 2021 to March [...]

Recently a video was sent my way by a subscriber. It’s a simple two-minute video that I wanted to share. It’s a two-minute video that says more in those two minutes than many speeches do that last for hours. Several readers have heard me mention on prior posts “the truth is simple” it’s the opposing [...]

I recently was linked to a video created by a person who goes by the YouTube name of Johnny Bigger. The text under the link said “Barry I’ve been watching your videos about 3 years now. For the most part you’re spot on and I think this is right up your alley” For me is [...]

In the endless attempt to bring our subscribers reliable resources supporting an impressive amount of type one data we introduce Dr. Rashid Buttar. Type one data is tangible, it is physical proof never hearsay. Type one data is rated the highest caliber of evidence recognized by any court of Law. The old saying “the smoking [...]