Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!


Anyone who’s ever wrestled with major change knows it can be a tough encounter. At least it has been for me. I was raised in a family environment where strict rules applied specifically in the areas of what you’re taught to believe and not believe. I understand the challenges involved when bucking the traditional. I’ve [...]

I recently received a request from one of our subscribers. They thought it would be a good idea if I filmed some of the construction currently underway around the town of Cabrera. I took a couple of hours and just drove around the various neighborhoods. I simply snapped a few pictures of the homes currently [...]

No sooner than releasing the escape from Bushwick post look what transpired 24 hours later. I’m not here to decide right from wrong I’m merely showing how easily things can change. It’s up to you the readers to decipher what it means. The only hint or clue I’ll provide is it’s always going to be [...]

I was recently forwarded a video by one of our subscribers. A short note was attached saying “I remember you mentioning one of the key questions we all need be asking ourselves is the following. If given orders to do so would the military fire on its own citizens? It’s almost word for word at [...]

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been occupied with accumulating data. There are several reasons why I blog but one that ranks high on the list is being able to render accurate information. Blogging is an ongoing effort that consumes a considerable amount of time but yields it’s payback in good solid information, accurate [...]

Over the past couple of days two major undertakings occurred. First was the Catalan Referendum and second the mass shootings in Vegas. Sticking to my rule of always letting the dust settle before commenting this post will adhere. I won’t be making wild accusations only to have completely missed the mark a few days later.  [...]

I was looking over a few pieces pertaining to the recent Trump address at the UN. All I can say is the picture posted to the left best describes my current feelings about what was said. It’s truly a sad state of affairs to see how low the level of intelligence has sunk in the [...]

With the firing of Steve Bannon is there any doubt remaining regarding who’s actually running the western nation. As a person possessing an uncanny desire to reveal truth my personal excavation’s been digging now for over three decades. I understand better than most that you have to dig through the dirt to get to the [...]

As I compose this post there’s an unpredictable conspiracy that’s reaching it’s boiling point. Should it boil over the world at least as we currently know it won’t exist. Actually there’s several conspiracies that would meet the same criteria however the one that concerns me the most is the new sanctions bill concerning Russia. By an [...]

Between our NW video tour followed by a ten day family reunion in Canada it’s nice to be back to the normal smooth pace of Cabrera. Liane and I took advantage of the off time, the summer time in Cabrera and headed up north to Timmins Ontario. Thought we’d enjoy the cooler temps while spending [...]

I want to cover a subject that I should have covered a long time ago. I want to talk about the amount of ridicules accidents I see when I’m out on my excursion trips. Many of these accidents are located on open straight highways with exceptional pavement. The main highways in the DR are actually [...]

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