Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!


At times when a person’s long held beliefs have been scrambled enough times the more inquisitive often set out on a new-found desire for learning truth. All of a sudden the What’s Why’s and Where’s take on a new role of importance. It’s become imperative to know. These personalities now want to know, belief no [...]

With the firing of Steve Bannon is there any doubt remaining regarding who’s actually running the western nation. As a person possessing an uncanny desire to reveal truth my personal excavation’s been digging now for over three decades. I understand better than most that you have to dig through the dirt to get to the [...]

I’m often asked why I donate the countless hours it takes to keep not only one but two blogs. Really it’s a good question, as “why” questions so often are.  Strange as it seems somehow I never found the ultimate answer to that question. Always preferring the path of flow as opposed to force I [...]

As I compose this post there’s an unpredictable conspiracy that’s reaching it’s boiling point. Should it boil over the world at least as we currently know it won’t exist. Actually there’s several conspiracies that would meet the same criteria however the one that concerns me the most is the new sanctions bill concerning Russia. By an [...]

Between our NW video tour followed by a ten day family reunion in Canada it’s nice to be back to the normal smooth pace of Cabrera. Liane and I took advantage of the off time, the summer time in Cabrera and headed up north to Timmins Ontario. Thought we’d enjoy the cooler temps while spending [...]

I’ve long been an advocate of Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. Contrasting many of his avid readers it’s neither his intelligence nor his wisdom that motivates me. I concur with millions when stating his intelligence and wisdom is paralleled by few, however what I respect most about Dr. Roberts is his bravery! Being willing to stand [...]

Picking up where I left off I hope it’s now clear why the US dropped these two bombs. Costly message wouldn’t you say? For those who seek it the information is out there. Should anyone have difficulty locating it just shoot me a comment and I’ll be sure to forward some and rest assured it [...]

I just viewed a video containing information that made me stop drop and roll, right over to my computer. Every so often you hit the ball out of the park and to be honest it’s a great feeling. A day after posting my last post during the night RT released a major bomb which hit [...]

Liane and I were enjoying our morning coffee when I came across this short piece found on RT. At first I had a good laugh. When that subsided I mentioned to Liane “hey get a load of this”! I began to read the title out loud. High anxiety: Americans among most tense people in the [...]

Is it any wonder folks are sensing an uneasiness not seen in decades? Sure most won’t admit to it in company but when alone they know it’s there. If you’re being totally honest with yourself you know it’s there. Of course this is a subjective statement and will vary from person to person. We all [...]

Take a step back and pause for a moment to reflect on the following. It’s hard to deny humanity is currently facing one of its most challenging positions. If you’re being unbiased, being totally honest with yourself we’re muddled like never before. The great divide is running at such a rapid pace its coming at [...]

How many more nominated assassins will it take before we as a people begin to understand we’ve been played as fools? How long before we recognize the need to stand together? Are we ever going to be able to park our ego put all of our petty differences aside and perhaps for the first time [...]

The vast majority of us gathered a large portion of our understanding from the previous generation. To dovetail a bit further let’s just say that a large portion of what we know originated from our parents and grandparents, from our family. Arguably for the vast majority this serves as the template for what now makes [...]

As Trump’s first hundred days comes to an end one might ask so what’s changed? It’s a fair question and similar to many is a dichotomy. Depending on how you view it one answer would be nothing’s changed and from another viewpoint everything’s changed. If you’re still stuck in a linear thought pattern you’ll be [...]

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