Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!


I was looking over a few pieces pertaining to the recent Trump address at the UN. All I can say is the picture posted to the left best describes my current feelings about what was said. It’s truly a sad state of affairs to see how low the level of intelligence has sunk in the [...]

I’m often asked why I donate the countless hours it takes to keep not only one but two blogs. Really it’s a good question, as “why” questions so often are.  Strange as it seems somehow I never found the ultimate answer to that question. Always preferring the path of flow as opposed to force I [...]

Picking up where I left off I hope it’s now clear why the US dropped these two bombs. Costly message wouldn’t you say? For those who seek it the information is out there. Should anyone have difficulty locating it just shoot me a comment and I’ll be sure to forward some and rest assured it [...]

The vast majority of us gathered a large portion of our understanding from the previous generation. To dovetail a bit further let’s just say that a large portion of what we know originated from our parents and grandparents, from our family. Arguably for the vast majority this serves as the template for what now makes [...]

With the election right around the corner I wanted to examine a few areas of interest and perhaps shift them into a perspective that is more genuine. This post is not going to favor one politician over another. At this late stage of the game if you still believe that Government is going to do [...]

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