Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

Divide and Conquer

No sooner than releasing the escape from Bushwick post look what transpired 24 hours later. I’m not here to decide right from wrong I’m merely showing how easily things can change. It’s up to you the readers to decipher what it means. The only hint or clue I’ll provide is it’s always going to be [...]

I was recently forwarded a video by one of our subscribers. A short note was attached saying “I remember you mentioning one of the key questions we all need be asking ourselves is the following. If given orders to do so would the military fire on its own citizens? It’s almost word for word at [...]

Every so often you run into a video that just makes good sense. A video not offering fancy razzle dazzle or special effects to keep your interest going just offering good information… a common sense approach that should inspire the viewer explore deeper into certain aspects of its sayings. Andy Thomas delivers an hour and [...]

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been occupied with accumulating data. There are several reasons why I blog but one that ranks high on the list is being able to render accurate information. Blogging is an ongoing effort that consumes a considerable amount of time but yields it’s payback in good solid information, accurate [...]

Over the past couple of days two major undertakings occurred. First was the Catalan Referendum and second the mass shootings in Vegas. Sticking to my rule of always letting the dust settle before commenting this post will adhere. I won’t be making wild accusations only to have completely missed the mark a few days later.  [...]

Every so often you just have to take a step back to gain a better view. If you’re too close to something so often the view is blurred it’s unfocused. When things no longer make sense by taking a step back you’re allowing yourself to capture the whole picture. In today’s hazy world a lot [...]

At times when a person’s long held beliefs have been scrambled enough times the more inquisitive often set out on a new-found desire for learning truth. All of a sudden the What’s Why’s and Where’s take on a new role of importance. It’s become imperative to know. These personalities now want to know, belief no [...]

Is it any wonder folks are sensing an uneasiness not seen in decades? Sure most won’t admit to it in company but when alone they know it’s there. If you’re being totally honest with yourself you know it’s there. Of course this is a subjective statement and will vary from person to person. We all [...]

Take a step back and pause for a moment to reflect on the following. It’s hard to deny humanity is currently facing one of its most challenging positions. If you’re being unbiased, being totally honest with yourself we’re muddled like never before. The great divide is running at such a rapid pace its coming at [...]

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