Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

07/25/2022 A Quick Review of the Past Couple of Months

The board has shifted significantly, and I wanted to touch base on a few noteworthy occurrences. A quick review of the past couple of months. There’s so much going on that to get us up and running again for now we’re only tapping into the surface, the headlines. In case you’re curious and are wondering. So, where’s this leading us as a people? The answer is. Yet again it’s leading us to war.

When Governments can no longer keep things in check, when their policies fail, largely due to corruption, they look for entities to shift blame to. Since Governments never fault themselves, they tend to come up with some rather creative schemes primarily to draw attention away from themselves. These schemes often involve some health-related risk, threating nations-terrorism as mentioned the list can be a rather creative. However, there’s a point to their strategies and that point is, CONFUSION! It’s designed to divide and keep all sides at bay against each other. The following mentions only a few of the many currently being orchestrated.

No sooner than we should be kissing the ground for surviving the two-and-a-half-year long pandemic comes along a reenactment of the failed Russia scandals of 2016. If that’s not enough there’s new health threats lying in the brims just waiting to pounce on you and your children. Scarcities and shortages on all four corners of the planet. The same nation that created the sanctions are blaming the sanctioned nation for ruining the economies of the world. That in itself makes about as much sense as fitting a screen door on a submarine. However, more and more people are saying something feels wrong (couldn’t resist)!

In the same time period several high-level officials and politicians both active and retired have been assassinated. Top ranking officials are jumping ship and either stepping down or retiring. The euro’s value is currently at par to the US Dollar. I still remember writing that would be happening on more than one occasion. In addition to that I’ve sited that the Euro would tank and within five years may even be nonexistent. So, where’s this leading us as a people? Yet again it’s leading us to war.

Over the next while in addition to the videos I’ll be back blogging on the something feels wrong website. It is our sincerest good intent that you take any information with an open mind, save it, perhaps revisit it a second time. Step back and ask yourself if any of the occurrences you’re presently witnessing make the factual sense.

Forced closings for small family businesses yet the big box outlets have nearly a free rein. Complaining about failing economies when Governments are forcing industries to shutter production or board up completely? Literally attacking agriculture and transportation so there’s forced shortages on multiple levels. Current Government plans are falling apart. The can kicking has come to a dead end. More and more of us are awakening from our slumber and if you’re still wondering where’s all this is heading, well. Yet again it’s leading us to war. Until next time, Barry in DR.


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