Understanding today’s trends, yields a better tomorrow!

07/31/2022 Ignorance Is an Equal Opportunity Employer

I recently met with a friend for coffee. One of the things I love about living where I do, is that I meet a lot of folks from all over the globe. The Caribbean always had a history of attracting a wide array of people. This particular friend originates from Germany. While chatting over a coffee, yet again this undeniable fact was brought up during conversation. The fact I’m referring to is ignorance is an equal opportunity employer.

As previously mentioned, this particular friend hails from Germany. By most standards he would be considered quite enlightened. When it comes to the current events unfolding, he realizes what’s going on. That in itself makes for a pleasant time together. It’s become very tiresome listening to so many offering opinions that are so misinformed. Another Democrat or Republican chosen by the same behind the curtain elitist group is not going to make much of a difference. Consider it as separate cheeks off of the same ass, at the end both are connected to the same spinal cord.

Anyway, as it goes this person has an extra bedroom in his home. Understanding the dire straits that Germany finds itself in, he was offering it first to close family members. With Russia’s Gazprom reducing the Nord Stream pipeline down to a mere 20% of its normal flow, you would think it would cause the citizens of Germany grave concerns. Has it? Apparently not so as he had no takers. As a secondary choice began offering this kind gesture to close friends and still came up with the same no takers interested.

This friend couldn’t help but ask all those offered “In case of an emergency situation this winter what will you be doing”, their responses shocked him. Almost 100% were completely confident that their government will formulate a plan that will take care of it. In other words, their government will take care of them. Just a few more examples added to the countless others. It serves as a catalyst on how several years prior I was able to coin the phrase ignorance is an equal opportunity employer.

For those following the Something Feels Wrong YouTube channel and blog I wanted to make it clear that it’s not just your friends and family that’s living in ignorance. The sophisticated propaganda being brought forth on all major medias has got the vast majorities very confused, actually many are left traumatized. This equal opportunity I speak of is not limited to any one nation. It’s affecting the entire planet, EQUALLY!

Never pass on your obligations to others. It’s all of our personal responsibility to research to gain truth. Truth will never reveal itself on a cellphone at the push of a single button. Others benefit by creating this abyss, however you and your loved ones don’t. It is past the time for getting others to understand and prepare.

The way things seem to be heading, expect some strong upticks in civil and international violence come this fall. When no sides are willing to compromise when war’s being proposed as the only answer one thing’s for certain. Those who heed will not be in need. You can no longer tow the anchors you have been in the past. The fuel burnt by doing this is no longer available. It’s now been cut almost 80% and stop blaming Russia! They didn’t create the sanctions, the West did. Until next time, Barry in DR.